Grading Time again September 2004

Grading time again, hooray, Going for Purple this time. Oh please let me get it!!! OKay so things are not that bad, I was reasonably confident I would pass as long as I did not freeze and make a complete hash of it. We arrived early we thought, NOT, had to park on the roadside. Entered the Do Jang and started to warm up abit and practise some of the things we had to do. Master Johnson arrived and once he was ready we started the grading. We lined up, then all sat at the back. The yellow and orange belts sat down either side of the Do Jang and the yellow belt kids were up first. They all did very well and it was soon time for the orange belt kids. The yellow and orange belt adults were going together. (I was in that group) Master Johnson was quite specific on what he expected each grade to do. This meant all got to prove themselves to their own ability and level.

We did our forms, answered our questions, kicked our board (Second time again!!! No fair) and did our fitness test. Enjoyed the experience again. Once that was over and done with we were praised for knowing our stuff and the kids were doubly praised for knowing theirs, it seems some of Master Johnsons kids aren’t quite up to our standards. Mrs McKenna is rather good at teaching kids methinks!

The other grades went through their moves etc and all impressed Master Johnson. The most impressive is our very small brown stripe belt, how he remembers the forms in his 7 year old head is amazing. As many as he was asked, he performed. Including the Bong form he required for the red belt. His Mum and big sister are also at this level and very good but did all their stuff with the adults. So much so that they have been invited to attend the Dan Seminars in Coventry.

All the kids did very well at sitting still and kept reasonably quiet. Its two hours so there is a bit of give and take. We all passed, the sense of achievement for it was great. There were many of us, nearly 50 so we did do our Bong work but nearly at the end. The men of the group all had to free spar with our red stripe belt, so that he could achieve his black belt. Apart from one little accident with someones head that attacked his foot, it was ok and got him his grade.

All in all a very successful and productive morning, this weekend a lot of us did 4.5 hours of Tang Soo. No wonder I ache again. I have not ached this much since I started. However its worth it, to get that belt. Again Master Johnson was true to his word, as long as you work hard and keep trying you will succeed.

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